Sunday, March 29, 2009

Eye Witness Account of A Layoff ! Interesting Read!

* This is an eye-witnessed layoff, as reported by a victim*
victim - May i come in? i am sorry, i am late. But that should be fine.

HR - Please come in. Are you aware why we have arranged this meeting?
victim - yes of course. Even one of my friend attended the same in morning. First i thought it is because he downloaded a porn video yesterday, but the very next moment, i realized what is this all about.

HR - have a seat please. See, it's a part of the organization process that we periodically need to re-align the number of resources with the requirements and re-size the number of available skills according to demand. So maybe you do not exactly fit in the current work profile and that's why we want to give you an opportunity to look for a more suitable place. And that is why, we are executing this layoff procedure.

victim - so you mean to say that 200 candidates who had undergone oh-so-hyped technical and stress interviews in their campuses and then recruited by you, who were turned into coding machines over last two years do not fit in for work ? and it took two years for you to realize that ?

HR - See, it doesn't work the way you think. you might have been put on layoff list because you are an under performer.

victim - ahaan. so now you think i am under performer. There are people on bench over 10 months because their resource manager haven't assigned them to projects and you think employees are under performer ? project directors, who have been stuffing resources with bloody 200% margin and even then, 10% of the team always has to perform under extreme stress and you are saying employees are under performer !!! we are not under performer, we never had an opportunity to perform.

HR - see, project assignments and such authorities are not in HR's hands. HRs are for your compensation issues, and we are always helpful to employees for such matters.

victim - Oh yes, of course. you have always been helpful to all managers & directors in hiding the numbers when there's an extra bonus deposited from client's side so that those employees; who are actually working their asses off to deliver the project even before the deadline; would never know why their share has disappeared ! i will tell you why exactly this layoff is being executed. It's not because the reasons you stated.

It is because American big brothers are not ready to outsource anymore work to India. and typically, not to our company. We are doing the same work since years and years with no difference in quality, but with an increased cost every year.

So they are not ready to buy your junk code written by those dumb fashion chicks you have retained to make your office look more glamorous.

Managers are more focused on internal politics about how do i climb the organization ladder and not let the others. They are not letting technically strong engineers being exposed to clients because they are feeling insecure when they stand next to their juniors.

Neither the company has brought any innovation in it's service and that's why, we are much much less efficient than expected. you want to pay more to those who sit inside the closed cabin and that's why you are firing those employees who are sitting outside !

HR - listen, you need to calm down. you are not the only person. There are lot others on the list.

victim - oh ya. the long list ! something that the company is really proud of. whatever. i am pretty calm and cool. don't worry, i wont need any of those ambulances you have kept ready outside. In fact, i am very happy that this ended very soon and you yourself are firing me.

Otherwise, i was about to resign in coming time. Just let me know where all i need to sign and finish it off.

HR - Alright, here are the papers you need to sign. Once you complete that, surrender your Identity card and Access card. After that, you are not allowed to walk inside the official premises or interact with any employee. so one security guard will escort you to the parking. let me know the address, our cab will drop you home. if you have any personal belongings in your cubicle, do let us know. We will send them out separately along with your relieving letter.

victim - okie. I will need a cab to pearl's bar. We all, who are being fired are having a party there, and no offense, but you are not invited


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