Monday, March 9, 2009

The Blue Ocean for an IT Employee

Some thoughts on how to find the Blue Ocean in today's recessionary trend:

1. Niche, Niche and Niche, look at niche skills which are not available easily in the market (though the demand may also be low)

2. Be in Maintenance rather than New Development. Companies have to maintain their applications, the first calamity of recession is all new development work

3. Work on Cross Skilling, get skilled in multiple technologies

4. Work on opensource. Due to the recessionary trend, opensource is in so get those ubuntu, linux, apache, mysql skills brushed up.

5. Go back to college, reskill and reinvent yourself for a new career

6. Network, Network and Network, create a network, it is an important need to get jobs particulary if you are at a senior position

7. Hard Work.

8. Be open to work on weekends and nights :)

9. Save money for reskilling.


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